L. is on a mission to make period care accessible for all, normalize period care conversation, and celebrate women's life stages. L. Brand in partnership with Walgreens, reached out to The Pad Project with the idea to create a documentary film that would energize people to "Change the Cycle" from one of shame and stigma to one of celebration.
While many cultures and communities attach negative associations to menstruation, L. and The Pad Project aspire to change the narrative by centering communities that see menstruation as a source of strength and pride.
After months of research and outreach, filmmakers Shaandiin Tome and Rayka Zehtabchi collaborated with Pimm Allen and the Native American community to make a film about 13 year- old Ahty Allen's Ihuk ceremony. What began as a film about menstruation blossomed into a much greater story of community, family, and tradition. The audience for Long Line of Ladies will see what a strong and tight-knit modern Native community looks like when coming together to support a young woman at one of the formative benchmarks in her life. Though the Karuk community’s specific ceremonies aren’t cross-cultural, we hope that Indigenous communities around the world will be able to see this film as a celebration of themselves. We hope the film challenges viewers to think about how, in their own communities, they can empower their young people as they come of age.

The Pad Project is committed to supporting Native American communities. Together with L. they established the Native Cultures Fund to provide grants to Indigenous communities working to end period poverty and to revitalize coming of age ceremonies.